Mawnan CE VA Primary School is currently full in all year groups. If you'd like to be added to our waiting list, please contact Primary Admissions at

School Forms

Please find below forms that you may need to fill out for your child;
Healthcare plan - to be filled out in depth and sent into the school office for any medical condition that the school needs to be aware of if it could potentially require medical attention during the school day.
Administering Medicines form; must be used for any prescription or non-prescription medication that may need to be administered during the school day.  This must be sent into the office, with the medication in a clearly named container and will be stored in a locked cupboard in the office. We will be unable to administer medicines to a child without this form.  Pupils are not permitted to store medication in their bags or in the classroom (with the exception of older children and an Asthma inhaler). 
Absence Request Form;  Please fill in and return to the office.  Please note that parents are expected to take family holidays during school holidays.  The completed form should be submitted to school no less than one month before the proposed period of absence. 
These forms can be found on our website in Our Information - School Forms.